Claire likes to keep her fingers in all the pies. She regularly works as a Movement Director and Director for The Three Inch Fools' raucous multi-rolling/multi-instrumental take on Shakespeare, with whom she started off as a performer. She is expanding her directorial work as a member of The Young Vic Directors Network and particularly loves a collaborative and devising filled approach to making theatre (and not just in a traditional old building). She has also worked as Musical Director with the Farnham Maltings, Eastern Angles and Stumble Trip Theatre, has collaborated with Lecoq-trained company BricaBrac and has written, directed, performed and composed for the Lecoq-trained company HOKA, for their debut creation Cache Cache. She has also added puppeteering to the list, playing the voice and head of ROBOX in Fulfilment by Sharklegs.
As a musician, voice and violin is where you'll hear her best notes, although she's been known to dabble on a smorgasbord of other instruments. Some of her musical output can be heard here.
Claire likes clowning around. She's also dabbling with stand up comedy and words to go with the physical stuff.
Most recently she was shortlisted for the Funny Women Comedy Shorts Award 2023 with her short film Pitchlash
Her comedy projects also include: UBGE - Unpaid But Great Exposure comedy interview series to get up-and-coming comedians Exposed and Unpaid in a living room gig near you.
Claire was involved in sketch comedy at uni and loved playing with clowning and the absurd during her time training at Jacques Lecoq. She has since been a participant of The North Wall Oxford's ArtsLab program, Comedy Troll, where she wrote, workshopped and produced various types of comedy under the direction of John Hoggarth and the team.
She also writes poetry and short stories, one of which has been featured by the wonderful Streetcake magazine in their 2020 anthology
More recently she has been shortlisted for the Bold Playwrights 2022 scheme with her debut play Hope Is For Tomorrow
After training as an animateur for The London Bach Choir's outreach program, Claire worked with The Arts Revolution to create an exciting new programme of choral workshops for primary school students. She has also worked with The Three Inch Fools to create workshops investigating a multidisciplinary approach to Shakespeare, blending physical theatre techniques, multi-rolling and the devising of original music, as well as running physical theatre workshops with her company HOKA. She is currently an Associate Tutor at Guildford School of Acting where she teaches Lecoq based practice.
Claire wants to be a part of making theatre accessible and exciting for all and is a currently a member of the Masterclass Youth Board and an Associate of Living Pictures for whom she facilitates the Directors Book Group - check them out for some brilliant training opportunities.
Claire also offers communication training and tutoring/mentoring.